Preparing to pick up and move your life is not always sunshine and butterflies as I had so naively hoped when we got our first duty station. It is stress and making mistakes while planning and spending money you wish you didn’t have to and arguments late into the night, and allllllll the stuff that people – including myself – hide on social media to make one’s life look perfect.
Well I am being a bit more raw tonight. No one wants to see the ugly parts in photos though, and frankly I do not want to remember the rough stuff so I’ll share photos of the good things instead. The things I take for granted, like these gorgeous views out of our car windows the whole drive down the Richardson Highway to Valdez, Alaska from Fairbanks.
Worthington Glacier, Thompson Pass, and Keystone Canyon were some of the most incredible views I have seen in Alaska thus far.
I would highly recommend making the drive over to Valdez despite its distance from both Anchorage and Fairbanks. It was well worth the trip.
The pictures are a sweet reminder of an amazing anniversary weekend, and a nice push to enjoy the little things and the big views in Alaska with the time I have left.