- Minnesota in January
- Valdez, Alaska
- The trip from Alaska to Washington
- Minnesota again in August (I’m a bit partial to that place)
- The Olympic Peninsula
- The Pacific Coast
- Various Washington Destinations
- NOLA and Alabama (THIS POST!)
- Colorado
My husband’s family is from Mobile, Alabama. It had been about two years since we ventured down to the deep south and we figured Christmas was as perfect a time as any since both of us were holding steady jobs and flights were quite reasonable from Washington. PLUS after an incredibly rainy start to the Washington winter, we were stoked for warm weather and sunshine.
Naturally it rained the entire week.
But on the plus side, it was in the 70’s most of the time!
The week was filled with lots of family and food (& libations). My favorite combination. As much as I want to travel the world, I do adore family. My family. His family. It’s always fun to be with family [for a regulated amount of time].
We flew into NOLA and we were able to convince my in-laws to spend one night with us hitting up Bourbon Street. I loved it. The energy of the city on a random Saturday in December was unlike anything I’d ever seen. We had delicious Cajun food and fun drinks New Orleans is known for (Daiquiris for days!). It was a bummer we didn’t have more time in this Southern city as I would have loved to experience more of the city’s history beyond the infamous French Quarter. Luckily, we’ll probably find ourselves in New Orleans again.
Probably my favorite photo/find of our night in New Orleans was this cheeky lady.
We gave her $6, just in case.
Overall, I had an incredible night. I don’t think anyone comes away from this city disappointed. New Orleans lives up to all the hype and more. The little gem of a photo below was snapped by my sister-in-law as we finished up bar hopping at our hotel’s bar.
Also, I highly recommend the The Saint Hotel if you’re staying in New Orleans. Feel free to check out my Trip Advisor review here.
The sunglasses I was forced to wear like I was Cyclops along with my inability to eat basically anything the following day was 100% worth it. Stop shaking your head mom & dad.
After about 20 hours in NOLA, we road tripped over to Mobile, Alabama. Cute nephews, warm weather, and Christmas celebrations took up the next few days!
And food. So. Much. Good. Food.
My husband’s dad and brother organized an AMAZING crawfish boil. Crab, shrimp, corn on the cob, potatoes, and crawdads! I literally didn’t eat one potato or corn cob because I wanted to make room for all the shellfish…
Of course we also made a pit stop at Raising Cane’s for lunch one day because when in Rome the Gulf Coast.
After 8 days, we were ready to get back to our chilly Washington and “us” time. That’s my favorite part about visiting family. No – not leaving. The feeling where you are content from your time spent together, and simultaneously ready to return to your own life.
Although I am still missing this view…
Thankful for a bonus family I enjoy and who allow us to have somewhere unique and warm to visit.
“Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.”
― George Burns
Have a happy Tuesday, friends!
Another Travel Tuesday post! Looove <3