The trip could not have come at a more ideal time.
I could go on for days about Minneapolis, Minnesota and my hometown area. They are the only two places I have ever lived outside of Fairbanks, AK and both hold a very important place in my heart. Even if I never move back, Minnesota will always be home.
I took an overnight flight on January 15th and for the first time ever – SLEPT THROUGH MY FLIGHTS. This is monumental people. I have taken at least 5 other red eye flights out of Fairbanks and the flights have been mediocre at best with me arriving completely unable to function at my destination. This time I averaged about 5 hours of solid sleep through all three flights, sleeping almost the entirety of the longest flight between Anchorage, Alaska and Denver. Winning.
The first weekend in Minneapolis was filled with friends, food (GLAM DOLL DONUTS MINNEAPOLIS FRIENDS – JUST GO NOW), shopping, an NHL hockey game, and bar-hopping.
After three days in my favorite city ever, it was time to see the family. To say I was slightly emotional when seeing my niece for the first time in almost a year is an understatement. She is an actual genius. Two years and three months old and she was practically giving me full sentences and professing her love for “Auntie Cami”. MELT. That little cutie, her baby brother due in July, their adorable cousin in Wyoming, and my in-law’s two boys have my whole entire heart. I adore being an auntie to all five of those monsters.
I spent the week in my hometown shuffling between my parent’s house and my sister’s brand new house built my amazingly talented dad. We did make it up to Duluth, Minnesota one day – a gorgeous town overlooking Lake Superior and worth the visit in the summer – and ate at the Duluth Grill. Phenomenal food.
Besides our Duluth trip I spent the week baking cookies, watching Frozen on repeat, chasing after my niece, watching half a season of The Fosters on Netflix with my sister, talking to my mom and dad, seeing friends I haven’t been able to see in my last two visits, and reminiscing on growing up there. It was a good, calm week.
I’m so thankful for a supportive family who is eager to see me when I’m home, but happy for where life has taken me. Although they told me I’m not welcome home again unless I have my husband in tow….I told them once plane tickets aren’t a grand a pop from Alaska, he’ll be around to visit too.
I was also lucky enough to spend both weekends with my best friend. Saying goodbye to her is the worst, like a punch to the gut every time. We’re honestly soul mates. Whoever told you the only soul mate anyone has in life is their significant other, lied. I have always had two.We have big plans for 2015 though.

Reminiscing on this trip makes me so thankful and full. It was the perfect start to 2015. The only thing that would have made it better is Michael being there too. But I’ll get my fix of traveling with him very soon. Along the lines of a 40+ hour car ride…man, oh man this is about to be the best year yet.